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Does the HC1-SHIM work on a (insert camcorder model here)?
No. HC1 is very specifically designed for that camera. Making a generic table-top capable shim isn't feasible because battery locations and tape door outlines vary widely. I do have a limited number of a generic model shim adapter, but it isn't stable for table top use. If table top use isn't needed, please consider the GEN-SHIM.
Do you have a SHIM for (insert camcorder model here)?
If it isn't listed, I probably don't have one ready. It is possible that I might be considering or developing a model-specific one. See the question below.
Can you make a SHIM for (insert camcorder model here)?
Yes, but to make it worthwhile, I need at least ten confirmed buyers willing to put down 50%, plus an eleventh person that is willing to loan that model camcorder for a week for design and test fitting. The owner of the loaned camcorder would get a SHIM for free. For most camcorders, I would expect that the final cost would be $25 + S&H.
Can you make (insert product idea here)?
Maybe. Whether I will make something depends on my estimation of feasibility, cost and the potential market.
Can you make custom variations of existing products?
Yes. Depending on how much it changes the part, it will be more expensive, especially if the custom part does not have an apparent market. Changes to existing parts will be less expensive than a new part design.
I have an idea on how the product can be improved.
That's good! I accept feedback on the products and have improved or added products based on user comments.
If you have a question, please click here to email. In the body, please state your question clearly. If it concerns a specific camera, tripod or tripod head, please email the appropriate model numbers .
Your email address will not be sold, given away or otherwise redistributed, and you will not be contact unless in the manner requested.
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Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Site text, images and product designs ©2005-2006 DeMaagd Accessories, all other brands and trademarks are property of their respective owners. Stated compatibility or incompatibilities should not be taken as endorsements of or by the companies or their products.
This web page was last updated 2007 August 2.