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Note: These are sites not under the control of DM-Accessories. While the information on these sites is top-notch, DM-Accessories cannot give any guarantee as to the quality of all of the information on these third party sites at any given time. As with any other sites, always exercise caution when using the information on them.
Authorized Resellers: This store is in The Netherlands and serves Europe. Many DM-Accessories adapters are in the "Diverse Accessories" category. Not all DM-Accessories adapters are available through
Adorama Camera New York, NY. They stock the AIS-FLAT and AIS-CUBE on the web store and at the walk-in store.DM-Accessories Web Store: The official DM-Accessories web store, shipping world-wide.
Dealier inquiries invited
Affiliated sites:
DV Info A great forum concerning DV, HDV and anything pro video
Global DVC A global membership site, based in the Netherlands, that has tips, tricks, reviews and bargains, featuring DV, HDV and interesting projects and related accessories.
Sony's HDV site The site of Sony's pro HDV division.
VASST a video production training company that offers HDV training.
JCDV a video production company that uses HDV.
For more info, email:
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Site text, images and product designs ©2005-2006 DeMaagd Accessories, all other brands and trademarks are property of their respective owners. Stated compatibility or incompatibilities should not be taken as endorsements of or by the companies or their products.
This web page was last updated 2006 June 7